News & Events

03-08-2024 - 31-08-2024 | Venue: | All Departments


The  Annual Sports Meet of Fatima Matriculation Higher Secondary School was held on the 14th  of July. The Chief Guest Dr. Sylendra Babu IPS, ADGP, Coastal Security Group, Tamil Nadu   accompanied by Sr. Nirmala Lazar our Superior, Sr. Silvia our Principal, were given a warm welcome by the guard of honour. This was followed by a short prayer. 

The most awaited moment of the Sports day the March Past started with the drum beat of Fatima band.  The oath was taken and the Olympic torch was given by the chief guest which was passed on to the champions of different categories afterwhich the Chief Guest declared the Sports meet open. Classes from VI to IX performed their various drills with colourful costumes adding colour and beauty for the day.  A dance was performed by the students of Std XI. Different games were conducted for the teachers, Non-teaching staff, parents and past pupils. The winners were awarded. 

The Chief Guest Dr. Sylendra Babu  in his presidential address appreciated the Salesian Sisters and their work, he insisted the importance of sports in a students life and also addressed the students of Std 10 and 12 giving them motivation to do well in their studies.  He congratulated them for their success in various events and activities. The sports day came to an end with the , beating of the retreat and singing of National Anthem.

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MOTTO God and Country are the two dynamic words inviting the students to realise their high ideals as true citizens of our country. AIM T


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This school is a minority Institution intended primarily to promote the educational interests of the Catholics. Members of other communities