

1) Every parent / guardian shall abide by the declaration given by him / her voluntarily at the time of admission of his/her daughter / ward.

2) Every pupil is expected to be present for the daily assembly on time.

3) It is strictly compulsory for every pupil to come to school in full uniform including footwear.

4) Ornaments or jewellery of any kind are not allowed in the school. The school does not take responsibility for money or articles that are lost.

5) Pupils are encouraged to speak only in English in order to acquire a greater facility in the study of English.

6) Pupils will not be excused from Physical Exercise or organized games without a Doctor’s Certificate.

7) Pupils are expected to participate in all the activities of the School.

8) Any damage done in class or about the premises will have to be made good.

9) No Books, Newspaper or periodicals, morally questionable books should be brought to school.

10) No gifts or donations to the teachers individual or collective are allowed.

11) The permission of the Principal is required for any student activities such as fund-raising, ticket-selling, parties, picnics, class-organizations etc.

12) Forging parent’s signature or altering marks and grade will be viewed seriously.

13) All communications should be addressed to the Principal and not to the class teacher.

14) Pupils are not allowed to interview the Parents or visitors during the school hours.

15) Parents and visitors will be permitted into the school campus only on occasions specified by the school authorities.

16) lt shall be the sole responsibility of the Parent / Guardian to arrange for and to oversee the mode of travel for their children / wards to come to the school and to return from the school. The school is in no way responsible for any untoward event; if any, happens outside the school campus either during the course of their travel or otherwise.

17) The school cannot be held responsible for accidents, small or serious, to pupils during school hours, during excursions, camps, sports, competitions and programmes etc., in and outside the school.

18) Pupils are not allowed to bring cell phones / head phones to the School.



19) Absence by the pupil must be supported by a leave letter signed by the Parent or Guardian on the day of return to the school authorities.

20) A pupil absenting herself from school for 30 working days without notice will be marked ‘Left’; she will have to be re-admitted.

21) If the absence on account of illness lasts for more than 5 days, the application for leave must be accompanied by a Medical Certificate.

22) No pupil shall absent herself without obtaining leave previously. Leave must be obtained by written application from the parent or guardian in the prescribed ‘Leave Record’ in the Diary.

23) Pupils should be present on the Re-opening day after each vacation and on the last working day of every term. Absence on these days will be viewed seriously.

24) No pupil will be allowed to appear for the final exam if the attendance for the year is inadequate.

25) A pupil coming late or absent on the previous day may not enter the class unless she brings to the class teacher a note signed by the Principal.



26) New pupils must be introduced personally by the parents or guardians who will be responsible to the principal for their regularity and fees.

27) Pupils coming from recognized schools are required to produce a leaving certificate from the institution they last attended, and the pupils from other state board schools should bring their leaving certificate or T.C. duly counter-signed by the Inspectors of those State/ Board as well as the mark list of the examination they had passed at the time of leaving, attested by the Head of the School and Evaluation Certificate from the Inspector of Schools.

28) An entrance test will be conducted for those who seek admission. The decision of the committee regarding this examination is final.

29) A school leaving certificate will be given only to those who have fully settled their dues and produced a written application from the parent/guardian

30) Irregular attendance, habitual want of application, disobedience, any kind of cheating or serious misbehavior even outside the School will be viewed seriously.



31) The engagement of private tuitions may prove injurious to real progress. No tuitions should be arranged with our teachers. If done so, it will be viewed seriously.



32) Besides the Terminal and Final Examinations there are the mid-term / Unit tests conducted regularly. Results of these will be taken into consideration for promotion.

33) The reports sent through the pupils must be signed by the parent or guardian and returned within three days.

34) No examination will be held before or after the time fixed for the examinations whatever be the reason.

35) Parents are expected to come without fail for the open days, to meet the teacher and check the academic progress of the child.

36) Pupils should submit a Medical Certificate along with the leave letter if they are ill during the examination.

37) A delay in the payment of fees shall debar a pupil from sitting for any examination.

38) Promotions are decided at the Staff Council. Hence results are final and cannot be reconsidered.

39) On the 15th of March every pupil is expected to handover to the Class Teacher a stamped envelope furnishing the pupil’s name and address for the purpose of the Annual Report.



40) Pupils are not allowed to keep any books borrowed from the Library longer than a fortnight without permission.

41) If a book is lost or damaged, the pupil will have to make good the loss or damage.

42) Before asking for a new book, the pupil should return the one previously taken.



43) The term fees is to be paid by the 10th of each term failing which a fine will be charged. If at the end of the month the fee is still unpaid, the pupil’s name will be removed from the role.

44) Full fee must be paid before the final exam or else the pupil will not be allowed to sit for the final examination.

45) Pupils joining or leaving school during any term will have to pay all the fees for the full term of four months.

46) Fee once paid will not be refunded.

47) For new admissions seeking withdrawal only 3/4,hof the fees paid will be refunded.



At the end of the year Medals are given to those who distinguish themselves in studies by obtaining ‘O’ grade in each subject in every class.

These tokens are given to those who are prominent in the reach-out programmes organised by the School.

Special Certificates are awarded annually to those who excel in the Co- curricular activities.




1st place           10

2nd place          6         

3rd place           3

Participation      2

Superior & Correspondent Message

“Let us draw the spiritual experience of Don Bosco in order to walk in holiness according to our specific vocation for the glory of Go


About US

This school is a minority Institution intended primarily to promote the educational interests of the Catholics. Members of other communities