General Objective:
We journey with the educating community along the path of conversion and communion towards love which is the greatest of all.
Specific Objective
- Acknowledge God as the center of our life.
- To become signs that make God’s love visible.
- Present to the young the patron saints of our congregation who accepted life as a gift and a call to serve.
- To become conscious of God’s presence in our lives
- To see daily life as the place of encounter with God.
- Love for one’s work or study
- Positive and reflective view of one’s time.
- Responsible acceptance of one’s own life and spiritual progress day by day.
- Ability to guide one’s life and make right choices
Action Plan
- Animated prayer moments, first Friday mass, retreats, confessions and day with God.
- Bible week - All faith prayer.
- Life oriented and contextualized catechesis and value based education.
- Seminar on preventive system to parents, lay collaborators and neighbouring school teachers.
- To know and imitate Don Bosco - Seminars and workshop.
- Class assembly and competitions.
- Leadership animation, career guidance.
- Programme on health and hygiene, time management.
- Strengthen the animating core group and make it co- responsible.
- Net working with the VIDES to reach out to the blind.
- Peer group ministry through camps, exposure programme, visit to orphanages / home for the a aged to encourage voluntary service.
- Preserve and conserve our environment - celebration of world earth day, save energy's and avoid wastage.